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Book Chapters
Public Scholarship
Interviews and Podcasts
Audio Productions
Reviews of Astrotopia
Reviews of Pantheologies
Reviews of Worlds without End
Reviews of Stranger Wonder
Book Reviews

Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race
University of Chicago Press (2022)

Image: Three Inquiries in Technology and Imagination
University of Chicago Press (2021)

Entangled Worlds: Religion, Science, and New Materialisms
Fordham University Press (2017)

Worlds without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse
Columbia University Press (2015)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Strange Wonder: The Closure of Metaphysics and the Opening of Awe
Columbia University Press (2008)
Edited by Catherine Keller and Mary-Jane V Rubenstein
Book Chapters

The Animist, Almost Feminist, Quite Nearly Pantheist Old Materialism of Giordano Bruno
Earthly Things: Immanence, New Materialisms, and Planetary Thinking (2023)

Pantheist Monstrosities: On Race, Gender, Divinity, and Dirt
Material Christianity: Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures (2020)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Image: Three Inquiries in Technology and Imagination (2021)

Trauma and Transcendence: Prospects for Philosophy of Religion (2018)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Lost Expectations: On Derrida’s Abraham
Kierkegaard and Political Theology (2018)

The Matter with Pantheism: On Shepherds and Goat-Gods and Mountains and Monsters
Entangled Worlds: Science, Religion, and New Materialism (2018)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Sexual Disorientations: Queer Temporalities, Affects, Theologies (2018)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Introduction: Tangled Matters (with Catherine Keller)
Entangled Worlds: Science, Religion, and New Materialism (2017)

Myth and Modern Physics: On the Power of Nothing
Theologies of Creation: Creatio Ex Nihilo and Its New Rivals (2014)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

End Without End: Cosmology and Infinity in Nicholas of Cusa
Desire, Faith, and the Darkness of God: Essays in Honor of Denys Turner (2015)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Fire Each Time: Dark Energy and the Breath of Creation
Cosmology, Ecology, and the Energy of God (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Heidegger’s Caves: On Dwelling in Wonder
Practices of Wonder: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Sleeping Giant Has Awoken: The New Politics of Religion in the United States (2008)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Undone By Each Other: Interrupted Sovereignty in Augustine’s Confessions
Polydoxy: Theology of Multiplicity and Relation (2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Unbearable Withness of Being: On the Essentialist Blind-Spot of Anti-Ontotheology
Theology and the Political: The New Debate (2005)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Astronomers have warned about colonial practices in the space industry
The Conversation (2024)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Do Human Beings Deserve Another Planet?
Quest: The History of Spaceflight Quarterly (2024)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

A Pantheology of Pandemic: Sex, Race, Nature, and The Virus
American Journal of Theology & Philosophy (2022)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Pantheist Monstrosities: On Race, Gender, Divinity, and Dirt
Material Christianity: Sophia Studies in Cross-cultural Philosophy of Traditions and Cultures (2020)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Veridical Claims and the Question (once more) of Philosophy of Religion
Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2021)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Lure of Pan(en)theism: Difference and Desire in Divine Enticement
Modern Theology (2014)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Of the Of: Genre, Generation, and the Continental Philosophy of Religion
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory (2019)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Rebirth of the Death of God
Comparative and Continental Philosophy (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Twilight of the Doxai: Or, How to Philosophize with a Whac-a-Mole(TM) Mallet
Method and Theory in the Study of Religion (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Cosmic Singularities: On the Nothing and the Sovereign
Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Capital Shares: The Way Back into the With of Christianity
Political Theology (2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Of Ghosts and Angels: Derrida, Kushner, and the Impossibility of Forgiveness
Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory (2008)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Dionysius, Derrida, and the Critique of “Ontotheology”
Modern Theology (2008)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

A Certain Disavowel: The Pathos and Politics of Wonder
Princeton Theological Review (2006)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Unknow Thyself: Apophaticism, Deconstuction, and the Theology after Onthotheology
Modern Theology (2003)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2004)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Kierkegaard’s Socrates: a Venture in Evolutionary Theory
Modern Theology (2001)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein
Public Scholarship

The Fallacy of ‘For all Mankind’ism
Interventions online forum (Vanderbilt Divinity School 2024)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Astronomers have warned against colonial practices in the space industry
Salon (2024)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Plants, Minerals, Philosophers, and Bacteria: What I Was Thinking
Marginalia (2022)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Somewhere out there: Corporate utopias of space and sea
The Immanent Frame (2021)

‘I Feel the Sky Tumbling Down’: On Catherine Keller’s “Cloud of the Impossible”
Syndicate (2015)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Thinking Otherwise: Secularity and the Liberal Arts
The Immanent Frame (2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein


Everything Everywhere All at Wes with Daniel Kwan
Wesleyan Center for the Arts (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Faith and the Final Frontier: The New Religion of Newspace
Consciousness Perspectives Forum (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Sacred Space symposium: What is the cosmic future of humanity?
ASU Interplanetary Initiative (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Sacred Space symposium: How has religion influenced space exploration?
ASU Interplanetary Initiative (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Sacred Space symposium: How will space exploration reshape religion?
ASU Interplanetary Initiative (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Sacred Space symposium: How do our religious traditions teach us to conduct ourselves in space?
ASU Interplanetary Initiative (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Iris Award Ceremony for Worlds Without End: The Many Lives of the Multiverse
ISSRNC Conference (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Heaven on Mars: The Ecocidal Messianism of the Corporate Space Race
ISSRNC Conference (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Learned Displeasure and Embodied Machine: On Donovan Schaefer’s Wild Experiment
University of Pennsylvania (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

A Pantheology of Pandemic: Nature, Sex, Race, and the Virus
American Journal of Theology and Philosophy (2021)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Infinite Canaan: Science, Religion and the New Space Race
Westar Institute (2021)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Matter with Pantheism: Race, Gender, Divinity and Dirt
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth (2016)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

God and the Multiverse: A Melodrama
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth (2016)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Asceticosmologies: Modern Science as Religious Practice
Wesleyan University (2012)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Multiverse Cosmologies and the Entanglement of Science and Religion
Dartmouth University (2015)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Cosmic Singularities: On the Nothing and the Sovereign
Wesleyan University: Center for the Humanities (2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

One Way up through the Way Back into the out of Ontotheology
Wesleyan University (2013)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein
Interviews and Podcasts

The Nature of Matter, Pantheism, and the Astonishment of Ungodding God!
The Institute for Advanced Astonishment (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Rocket-Launching Billionaires Promise a New Pie in the Sky
Movement Memos (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

From There to Here: A Podcast for Space Hackers (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race
New Books Network (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Our Understanding of God and Why it Matters (even for atheists)
The Earthly Delights Podcast (2021)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Astrotopia: The Religion of Space Exploration
Straight White American Jesus (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race
The Anti-Distopians (2022)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

WICN “Inquiry” Interview: Pantheologies
Inquiry, WICN (2019)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

What Does Religion Have to Do With Space Exploration?
Mission: Interplanetary (2022)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Does Multiverse Theory Bring Theology into Science?
Religion Dispatches (2014)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

The Multiverse: A Religious and Historical Perspective
Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement at Dartmouth (2016)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

WICN “Inquiry” Interview: Worlds Without End
Inquiry, WICN (2019)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Audio Productions

Reviews of Astrotopia

Reviews of Pantheologies

Reviews of Worlds without End

The Revealer: A Review of Religion and the Media (2014)
Patrick Blanchfield

The Multiverse in a Flat Circle: Review of Worlds without End
The Los Angeles Review of Books (2014)
Reviews of Strange Wonder

Book Reviews

Review of Gordon Fraser, Star Territory: Printing the Universe in Nineteenth-Century America
Isis (2023)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Mark C. Taylor, Intervolution: Smart Bodies, Smart Things
The Journal of Religion (2021)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Christopher White, Other Worlds: Spirituality and the Search for Other Dimensions
Reading Religion (2019)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Lisa Sideris, Consecrating Science
American Academy of Religion (2019)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Karmen MacKendrick, Divine Enticement: Theological Seductions
Journal of Religion (2015)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Julia Kristeva, This Incredible Need to Believe
Modern Theology(2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Joy (ed.): Continental philosophy and philosophy of religion
International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion (2011)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein

Review of Papanikolaou and Demacopoulos (eds), Orthodox Readings of Augustine
Modern Theology(2010)
Mary-Jane V Rubenstein